Charles Heller

Postdoctoral research fellow @RoLi Lab


I am an experienced systems neuroscientist leveraging data science and machine learning techniques to study how large scale brain networks flexibly drive behavior.

A Minnesota native, I spent much of my childhood camping on the north shore of Lake Superior. I will be returning to Minnesota in the fall of 2024 and am actively searching for opportunities to apply my data science skills working on projects that help preserve these types of natural spaces for future generations to enjoy. I am particularly interested in exploring the applications of big data and machine learning to nature-based climate solutions and energy, two areas where I believe data-driven insights will prove critical for ensuring the transition to a more sustainable future.

Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow in the RoLi Lab at The Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany. Prior to this position, I completed my PhD in Neuroscience in the Laboratory of Brain Hearing and Behavior in Portland, Oregon. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Physics from St. Olaf College.

In my spare time, I love being outdoors - cycling, hiking, and running.


Jul 06, 2024 Hello world! Stay tuned for updates… I am still in the process of building my portfolio